With Florida Remapped, Alan West Will Run In New District

January 31, 2012 - Rep. Allen West (R-FL) announced this evening that he will run for reelection in Florida's proposed 18th Congressional district. The new 18th district includes West Palm Beach. Rep. West currently serves as the representative of Florida's 22nd congressional district. Earlier today, Rep. Tom Rooney (R-FL) announced that he would not seek reelection in the 18th.

"It is my goal," said Rep. West in a press release (read it in full, below) "to continue the success Congressman Rooney has had in Florida's 16th Congressional district in the newly proposed 18th district."

January 31, 2012

Congressman Allen West Announces Reelection in the Proposed 18th Congressional District

(WEST PALM BEACH)- Congressman Allen West (R-FL) released this statement today announcing his decision to seek reelection for the United States House of Representatives in the proposed 18th Congressional District:

"After much prayer, reflection and discussion with my close friends and family, I am announcing today my decision to seek reelection in Florida's proposed 18th Congressional district. I have always believed the state of Florida would be best served by having both Congressman Tom Rooney and myself in the House of Representatives working to solve our nation's most pressing problems. I have never waivered from my vision; to work to create jobs, restrain federal government spending, reduce America's ever increasing national debt, and provide for a strong national defense to ensure a safer and more prosperous future for our children and grandchildren.

Congressman Rooney is a statesman and has been an honorable public servant to the constituents of Florida's 16th Congressional district. It is my goal to continue the success Congressman Rooney has had in Florida's 16th Congressional district in the newly proposed 18th district. I welcome the challenges and excitement that lie ahead.

As a 22-year United States Army veteran who commanded troops in combat, one should never underestimate my ability to be a strategic thinker. My voice for the restoration of constitutional principles for our Republic shall continue to resonate through Florida and on Capitol Hill."
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