AMA Re-Endorses Obamacare Mandate, Loses 12,000 Members

June 21, 2011 - Chicago - The American Medical Association (AMA) has suffered a significant loss of membership since 2010. The AMA is being ripped apart from within by its controversial support of the fascist "individual mandate" element of Obamacare, which requires individuals to by health care or face stiff penalties.
The AMA met last weekend to discuss Obamacare and other issues. The AMA has just re-endorsed the individual mandate. "The American Medical Association’s delegates held their annual meeting over the weekend, at which the most contested issue under discussion was the individual mandate to purchase health insurance or pay a fee," reports the American Independent, "and whether the AMA should continue, as it has since 2006, to officially support such a mandate. The mandate is a crucial component of the Affordable Care Act passed by the Democratic Congress last year." "AMA delegates voted on yesterday in favor of maintaining support for the mandate by a vote of 326-165," the AI report said. "An alternative proposal, in favor of the government encouraging the purchase of insurance through tax credits but not requiring it, was supported by delegations from several more conservative states."

Many of the AMA's member physicians do not support the unconstitutional mandate, and a lot of those doctors have dropped their AMA memberships over the past two years.

According to America's Medical Society (AMS), "the AMA’s membership is down 5.3% since last year, and AMA rolls have dropped almost 10.4% since 2007…considering that the bulk of AMA members are medical students (who get a free ‘member’ card) and retirees, this loss of real, active, productive physician members is astounding and devastating to the AMA." The AMS published its article on its website on June 20, 2011. Read the AMS article "AMA Loses 12,000 Members … More Obamacare Lies from the White House" here.

The AMA calls itself "the nation's largest physician group," but this is intentionally misleading. AMA membership is not nearly as large as the average American might think. Fewer than one in five U.S. physicians are members of the AMA, which is based in Chicago. That number is dwindling, primarily because of the way in which the AMA embroiled itself in the health care debate by siding with Barack Obama's fascist policy of requiring individuals to purchase health care insurance.

"Despit the hoopla and false celebration of physician 'unity,'" says the AMS, "the American Medical Association reluctantly acknowledged this past weekend that the organization has lost 12,000 members in the aftermath of their support for Obamacare. Based on the growth of more moderate/conservative doctor groups in America, the AMA is losing even more members as each day goes by..."