First Responders Endorse Michael Carroll for 46th Ward Alderman

January 26, 2011 - Chicago - With the February 22 aldermanic elections less than a month away, one candidate running in the 46th Ward has received a big endorsement from Chicago's police and firefighters. That candidate, Michael Carroll, is a Chicago police officer. Some of the candidates running in the 46th actually have the dishonesty to claim that they are the only one who understands crime - or wants to do anything about it. Really? Can Molly Phelan, Befekadu Retta or James Cappelman honestly say that they are police officers? Can Phelan or Cappelman honestly say that they know more about police and crime issues than CPD Officer Michael Carroll? The next time Phelan, Retta, Cappelman or any of the other contenders (full list here) claim to know more or care more about fighting crime than any other candidate, ask them how long they served as police officers. Ask them if attending CAPS meetings or even being a judge is the same as doing hazardous duty as an officer in the trenches of Chicago's mean streets. Then look them right in the eye and ask them if they really think they know more about crime and policing than Michael Carroll. Mike Carroll sent this email today, announcing the endorsement: I'm proud to announce that our campaign has been endorsed by all three first responder groups that work to protect our citizens by putting public safety first. The Fraternal Order of Police - Chicago Lodge 7, Chicago Police Sergeants' Association, and Chicago Firefighters Union Local 2 have each independently endorsed our campaign. These groups represent more than 20,000 hard-working Chicagoans combined. These endorsements add to the momentum our grassroots campaign is seeing on the streets as we talk and meet with voters across our neighborhoods. You can build upon that momentum today by making a contribution of $50, $100, $250 or any amount that will help support our efforts. We also need volunteers with the campaign, so please sign up to volunteer online or send us an e-mail letting us know if you can help. You can also join us as we spread the word about our latest endorsements and our plans to improve our neighborhoods by calling voters or knocking on doors this weekend on both Saturday from Noon to 4 p.m. and Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. Email us at if you are able to give a couple of hours of your time. We will meet at our campaign headquarters at the corner of Sheridan and Leland in Uptown. As Alderman, I will work tirelessly alongside the police and firefighters and be their advocate on the City Council as we work to improve public safety and fight crime here in the 46th Ward and throughout Chicago. This will require us to put more police on the streets and target gangs, guns, and drugs block by block in our neighborhoods. The Fraternal Order of Police agrees. “We are unanimously endorsing Michael Carroll as the best candidate to reduce crime in the 46th Ward,” stated Mark Donahue, president of the FOP. “His proactive plan for fighting crime and over seven years of experience as a Chicago Police Officer make him the right choice for voters” Make your contribution today to help support our campaign to improve the 46th Ward by reducing crime, bringing in new businesses, and improving our schools and infrastructure. Thanks for your support and let's continue the momentum this weekend.