Rep. Melissa Bean Employing Intimidation Tactics at Meetings
Democrats are afraid of their constituents, and U.S. Rep. Melissa Bean (D-IL, 8th Cong. District) is no exception. There has been a virtual drought of Democrat town hall-style meetings this summer,
due to the fact that many voters refuse to accept the lies and double talk and openly challenge the politicians. Now and then, however, a meeting can't be avoided.
In this case, Bean held a public meeting at the Round Lake, Illinois Public library on Thursday, August 12. She brought special friend, dubbed "Bruno the Bone-Crusher" by Gateway Pundit. Bruno's only function, it seems, was to intimidate anyone in the room who voiced an opinion contrary to Bean's ideology. The video is priceless: Bean avoided answering questions, as usual, by telling people to call her office -- instead of simply responding to them there at the meeting.
You can this behavior by Bean in another video, recorded in February, 2010. The description at YouTube says, "This video was recorded on February 27th, 2010 at a Grayslake, IL grocery store. As is very obvious, the people are rightfully angry at the Congresswoman for her unwillingness to answer questions truthfully."
Who is this guy? Is he an SEIU goon? Is he ex-KGB? We don't know. If you do, please tell us, and then explain why any elected official would employ such intimidation tactics. Watch future meetings held by Bean to see if a roaming thug in the room is now standard practice.
Illinois Democrat Shuts Down Questions at Town Hall Meeting American Spectator
Beans Crime Inc Documentation (pdf) Tea Party Palatine
(Ill. Congresswoman) Bean's Crime Inc: More On Third Way Does
8th Congressional hopefuls spar over health care Chicago Daily Herald
Democrats Are Shunning Town Hall Meetings Standard-Examiner blogs
Neil Cavuto Eats Rep. Melissa Bean (D-IL) For Lunch YouTube
Melissa Bean Discussed on Bill Moyers Journal YouTube