Filming In Uptown - "Cheaters" Gets Argyle Street Prepped For Action

Ron Howard's new feature comedy "The Dilemma" ("Cheaters") will close off the 1100 block of W. Argyle Street in Chicago's "Little Chinatown" on the north side. Here are some photos taken today around 1:00 p.m. The film stars Jennifer Connelly, Jon Kinnas, Kevin James, Vince Vaughn and Winona Ryder. Update: The filming on Argyle Street ended on Friday night, May 28. Where will they be next? Also See: Photos of Cheaters Filming At Green Mill and Photos of "Cheaters" Shoot In Uptown, June 25.

xElectricians and carpenters get the set ready on W. Arglye on Chicago's north side.
xA view of Tank Noodle on W. Argyle.
x"Cheaters" crew members position a light onto Genie boom lift.
xThe Genie boom lift, on Argyle Street. This will hold a light for filming near Tank Noodle (green awning).
xTank Noodle (green awning, background) at W. Argyle and N. Broadway in Uptown, Chicago.
xA "Cheaters" film crew electrician works on a sign for a street scene at 1124 W. Argyle. The fake sign will say "Chi Thao Massage and Spa" (see next photo). The space is currently vacant and was leased by the film production company.
xxx"Chi Thao Massage and Spa" sign at 1124 W. Argyle. It's a fake business in what's really a vacant commercial space. (Get it? "Chi Thao," "Chi Town." Velly funny, huh?)
xA photo of 1124 W. Argyle, taken on Feb. 20, 2010 during the Chinese New Year Parade.
xA Chicago Streets & Santitation worker gets street blockades ready. The 1100 block of W. Argyle will be closed off from 6:00 PM tonight to 6:00 AM Friday morning. This will be repeated on Saturday and Sunday.
xLooking west along the 1100 block of W. Argyle Street from N. Winthrop. In the background is N. Broadway.

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