Scott Lee Cohen to Speak at Erie Cafe, April 14

UPDATE, APRIL 15, 2010: Cohen, expected to announce run for governor, is a no-show‎

SCOTT LEE COHEN WILL BE THE KEYNOTE SPEAKER at Reform Chicago NOW's first non-partisan monthly meeting on Wednesday, April 14th at Erie Cafe (click for map). Everybody is welcome: Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservatives, all are invited to discuss their issues about the City of Chicago. Anyone who attends will have an opportunity to speak.  Open bar from 6:00 - 7:00 PM - Speakers begin at 7:00 PM.

Erie Cafe: 536 W Erie Street (free valet parking available); Tel (312) 266-2300‎

For more information, see Reform Chicagon NOW on Facebook


End corruption and demand full transparency in the political process:

1. Open up the public bidding process to small and medium-sized businesses that lack clout and personal connections. Enforce laws against fraud in public bidding process and clean up the minority contracting certification program.

2. Demand the immediate end of corrupt government benefit practices – including unused vacation payouts, early retirement, and double-dipping of benefits to name a few. We cannot create or maintain a privileged government class that has more privileges that the taxpayers that fund it.

3. Take legislative map-making out of the hands of political insiders and empower a non-partisan board to create maps for an up or down legislative vote.

Halt Chicago’s climb to bankruptcy and reduce taxes on families and businesses:

4. Institute a moratorium on adding new benefits or extending expiring pension benefit programs until true public pension reform addresses the ticking time bomb of unfunded mandates.

5. Bring Chicago and Cook County taxpayers into true tax parity with other taxpayers in Illinois.

Run government like a business and create new businesses:

6. Institute a real business-approach to government by using private sector firms to provide municipal, demand-driven services. Eliminate barriers for small business startups and put an end to insider bidding and privileges.

Run education like a business with a system of rewards and penalties:

7. Evaluate and rewards teachers based on student performance. We applaud the newly created school voucher program for Chicago children enrolled in low-performing schools.

8. Address wasteful bureaucratic education spending and bring spending into line with available revenue.

Don’t give criminals any more advantages:

9. Improve Chicago's Homeland Security posture by more more effectively coordinating with state and national intelligence.

10. Update Chicago's sex-offender registry through a public-private partnership and institute effective practices that require police to obtain arrest warrants to track hundreds of “missing” sex-offenders.

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