95 Photos of Homer-Lockport Tea Party, April 10

April 10, 2010 - Homer-Lockport, IL - The weather could not have been nicer, as our slideshow below shows. With temperatures in the upper 60s and no clouds to be seen, the setting under the big sky of the Homer-Lockport area was ideal for speeches and comraderie. I estimate that the crowd size around 700 people.

Also See: 205 Photos of Tea Party Express, Rockford

The most rousing speech of the day, in my opinion, came from Cedra Crenshaw of Bolingbrook. She is running for IL State Senate in the 43rd District and spoke powerfully, getting several rousing rounds of applause from the crowd. She only decided to jump into the race a week ago and was busy gathering petition signatures to get her on the ballot.

Please help Cedra in her drive to get on the ballot. Illinois Review has this important information:  In order to get on the ballot, Crenshaw needs 3000 signatures by April 16th. Local Tea Partiers and folks from the Conservative Committeeman Project have volunteered to help Crenshaw with petitions. The group will meet outside the Outpost Restaurant at 14929 S. Archer in Lockport Sunday morning, April 11 at 9:30 am. For more information on petition drive, contact: Steve Balich sbalich@comcast.net or (815) 557-7196

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