Cartoonist Urges Scott Brown Contributions for Mass. Senate Race

Zack Rawsthorne is the creator of "Diversity Lane," a brilliant cartoon that lampoons political correctness and Liberals in general. Zack's thoughts today are on the tight race for US Senate in Massachusetts, where Republican Scott Brown is now ahead of Democrat Martha Coakley. With major Democrat Party money pouring in for a last minutes blitz (the special election to fill Ted Kennedy's seat is Tuesday, January 19), Brown needs all the help he can get to counter their assault. So, Zack created something special to encourage you to help the cause. Click the image enlarge, and visit "Diversity Lane" today. RELATED: Rudy Giuliani joins Scott Brown, slams Martha Coakley on terrorismIndependents Could Embarrass Dems in Massachusetts Are the Democrats Preparing to Throw Coakley Under the Bus? Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed