Hurricanes and Hot Air

Al Gore's hysterical warning about global warming (Sept 12, 2005), and the prediction therein that hurricanes would become more frequent and more severe, has proven to be just a lot of hot air. Gore made that warning just days after Hurricane Katrina, in the middle of a very heavy hurricane season. Since 2005, however, hurricane seasons have actually declined in terms of storm frequency and severity. This is clearly demonstrated in the chart shown here. Click image to enlarge it. Chart source: Many skeptics were already questioning Gore's warning by the summer of 2007. Even so, the lunatic faithful parrotted Gore's stupidity. One case in point is a story written by the leftist news service Agence France Presse (AFP), dutifully republished by the useful idiots at the leftist The story, dated July 30, 2007, started with this: "Global warming's effect on wind patterns and sea temperatures have nearly doubled the number of hurricanes a year in the Atlantic Ocean over the past century, says a new study by US scientists," then continued with, "In the most recent period, from 1995 to 2005, the average reached 15, of which eight were hurricanes and seven were tropical storms." Notice that AFP, writing in mid-2007, omits any referrence to the 2006 hurricane season, which saw only one third as many hurricanes as 2005. That was an inconvenient truth that AFP - and - just couldn't divulge. 2004 - Total: 9 Hurricanes, 7 non-Hurricane storms (year before Katrina) 2005 - Total: 15 Hurricanes, 16 non-Hurricane storms (year of Katrina) 2006 - Total: 5 Hurricanes, 5 non-Hurricane storms 2007 - Total: 6 Hurricanes, 11 non-Hurricane storms 2008 - Total: 8 Hurricanes, 9 non-Hurricane storms 2009 - Total: 1 Hurricane (Bill); 4 non-Hurricane storms (a/o Sept 6, 2009; source) RELATED: Atlantic Tropical Storm Tracking by Year Gore gets a cold shoulder - Environment - Scientists Mull Quiet '09 Hurricane Season Skeptics Global Warming Top hurricane scientist cools to global warming Of Hurricanes and Politics Tracking the Atlantic Basin Hurricane - Overview of Hurricanes FAQ : Hurricanes, Typhoons, and Tropical Cyclones Hurricane and Storm Tracking Central Pacific Hurricane Center - HawaiiNational Hurricane Center Global Infrared Satellite Maps (Intellicast) CIMSS Tropical Cyclones Current Tropical Cyclones (Australia) Cool Hats & Shirts for Cool Conservatives Leave a Comment... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

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