Alderman Joe Moore, ACORN and SEIU

UPDATE, 9/17/09: HOUSE VOTES TO DEFUND ACORN, 375-75 Chicago Alderman Joe Moore (49th Ward) has friends in low places, particularly ACORN and Service Employees International Union (SEIU). ACORN, a criminal organization, has very, very close ties to SEIU. SEIU Local 880 shares office space with ACORN in Chicago (at 650 S. Clark Street, Chicago). That's where the National ACORN Housing Corporation hangs its collective hat. SEIU Local 73 (1165 North Clark Street, #500, Chicago, 60620), of course, works closely with Local 880. Both have supported Moore heavily in the past. It is curious that both the national SEIU web site and their Illinois site now omit address listings for Local 880 (a/o Sept 15, 2009). ACORN referred to SEIU Local 880 as a "sister union" on page 38 of their 2005 Annual Report (PDF). Joe Moore has close ties to both organizations. On the same page, ACORN wrote, "For over twenty years, SEIU Local 880 – currently the largest local union in Illinois – has organized thousands of homecare workers and home childcare workers..." It should be noted that Locals 73 and 880 are not your average locals. In fact, they often lead the rest of the SEIU in Illinois. According to (emphasis added): Although SEIU has 18 locals in the state, it is dominated by a few big locals. Local 73 has 23,000 members who are public employees (Christine Boardman, president, and Joanna Misnik, communications: 312-787-5868).... Staff director Keith Kelleher has organized over 30,000 home care workers into Local 880 (Myra Glassman, media contact, 312-939-7490 ext. 135), including state employees as well as workers previously considered "independent contractors" for social service agencies which are reimbursed by the state. And in 2005, 50,000 home child care providers in Illinois won the right to organize and voted for Local 880 as their collective bargaining agent. The local has also been a leader in the campaign for a "living wage" in the city. The ACORN connection is also noted by (emphasis added): Labor unions often form coalitions with community groups to advance common interests. A few deserve special mention. Citizen Action/Illinois (312-427-2114; William McNary, co-director) bring together unions, community, senior citizen and other groups to promote candidates and legislation. ACORN (312-939-7488; Madeline Talbott, director) organizes mainly in low-income neighborhoods and works closely with SEIU, especially Local 880, on issues such as living wages or in support of independent-minded political candidates.... "Independent-minded political candidates?" Really? Are we to believe that SEIU or ACORN would support an "independent-minded" candidate who favors brining a Wal-Mart into a neighborhood? Are the Democrats that they endorse and support (try finding a Republican that gets their help) really "independent-minded," or are they toadies to the DNC's party line and leftist ideology? Was John McCain, called "the maverick" and hailed for being independent-minded by Democrats and Republicans alike, not "independent-minded" enough to earn SEIU's support? Alderman Moore pretends to be an independent-minded maverick who stands up to Chicago Dictator Richard Daley, while in reality he rubber stamps Daley more than 70% of the time in City Council voting. Even so, SEIU apparently thinks Moore is "independent-minded" enough for them. And why not? Although Daley was at odds with Moore, the unions and ACORN over the "living wage" issue in 2006, Dictator Daley is generally pro-SEIU and ACORN. "Independent-minded candidate," in the lexicon of unions and community organizers, translates to "someone who agrees with us." It helps, too, if the candidate is a Democrat. Here are just a few links about Moore's circle of diseased bedmates: New Ground 38 - Chicago Democratic Socialists of America - "SEIU Local 880 and ACORN share office space." - Marathon Pundit: Ald. Moore: Putting the unions' money where his ... Citizens for Joe Moore SEIU Local 880 PAC 1024 Elysian Fields New Orleans, LA 70117 $1000.00 6/8/2006 Individual Contribution Citizens for Joe Moore ... From Moore's Own Web Site: Moore also has picked up the support of ....the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 880. Paid for by SEIU IL Council too? - Toni Duncan ACORN Duo - Toni Duncan Chicago News Bench: Analyzing Joe Moore's SEIU Money - In total, Moore's D2s show 89 receipts for SEIU money, totaling $155,958.01. YouTube - SEIU Says - 06.12.2007 (Part 2 of 2) - Endorsement of Moore ALSO SEE: The Twenty-Five Million Dollar AlderRace - Aldertrack archive SEIU: ‘One of the Pillars of the ACORN Family’ - Hundreds Show Up to Protest SEIU Thuggery - Gateway Pundit SEIU violence justified v. union-busting union - The Union News Nurses Blast SEIU for Deceit in Hiding Violence at Michigan - Apr 24, 2008 - Cool Hats & Shirts for Cool Conservatives Leave a Comment... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

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