Tells Republicans to vote for "Abraham Lincoln" in 5th Congressional District special election April 7
"Quigley assured of victory in 5th District—almost"
(Chicago Tribune, 03 April 2009)
Another un-endorsement of Rosanna Pulido. 32nd Ward Republican Committeeman John Curry alerted me to his April 2nd
"special bulletin" regarding
Rosanna Pulido. Although Curry has made anti-Pulido statement before, he has not done so in such a public way prior to yesterday's "special bulletin" on his website. Pulido is running as a Republican for in the Illinois 5th Congressional District special election,
but the Illinois GOP has done back flips to ignore her. The election is on Tuesday, April 7.
Curry encourages Republican voters to protest Pulido by writing in "Abraham Lincoln" on their ballots on April 7:
"....I do not endorse Rosanna Pulido or recommend that any Republican vote for her for Congress in the upcoming Special Election. Instead, I encourage all Republican voters who wish to show their support for the true principles of the Republican Party and protest the absence of a worthy candidate on this ballot to cast a write in vote for "Abraham Lincoln" as their candidate. You may ask for assistance from the election judges on how to write in "Abraham Lincoln", and they are required to provide you with that assistance."
Pulido has been controversial for a long time, but after she won the primary on March 3 she further ruined her already bad relations with the Illinois GOP by taking on
Tom Hoefling as her campaign chair. Hoefling is the National Chairman of
America’s Independent Party (AIP), a competing political party that is far to the right of the Republican Party.
(See "
Encouraging Words from Illinois 5th Congressional District" and "
About Rosanna Pulido's Troubled Campaign") More recently, Pulido was exposed for
making offensive comments on conservative website Free Republic.
I have criticized Mr. Curry previously, but he deserves credit for publicly taking a stand. The IL GOP has not endorsed, and will not endorse Pulido. Nor will the party's state leadership muster up the nerve to do what Mr. Curry has done with his "bulletin." Shame on the IL GOP.
Kudos to Mr. Curry, who posted his Pulido bulletin on the 32nd Ward Committeman website.
The full text of is reproduced below. (Also see related post "
Abe for Congress" at The Abraham Lincoln Observer.)
"I wish to report to Republicans in the 32nd Ward and in the 5th Congressional District that I do not endorse Rosanna Pulido. Since the primary election and more particularly over the last two weeks, I have become aware of extremely disturbing information relating to Ms. Pulido. That information can be summarized as follows:
Pulido has an established relationship with another political party, America's Independent Party.
Pulido has not dispelled concerns that she is running as a "Trojan Horse" candidate, one who exploits the name of the Republican Party to her personal advantage only to promote a non-Republican or anti-Republican, fringe agenda.
Pulido is on record as making groundless and reprehensible remarks, unworthy of a good citizen, disparaging the Cardinal of the Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago, gays, Mexicans, African Americans, and others.
Little, if anything, is known about Pulido's personal and professional background.
Pulido has refused to respond to reasonable requests from the Republican Party to account for her actions and the actions of her campaign or to cooperate with the Republican Party in any professional or reasonable way.
Based on the above, I do not endorse Rosanna Pulido or recommend that any Republican vote for her for Congress in the upcoming Special Election. Instead, I encourage all Republican voters who wish to show their support for the true principles of the Republican Party and protest the absence of a worthy candidate on this ballot to cast a write in vote for "Abraham Lincoln" as their candidate. You may ask for assistance from the election judges on how to write in "Abraham Lincoln", and they are required to provide you with that assistance.
I take this action in order to uphold the integrity of the name of the Republican Party."
/s/ Hon. John J. Curry, 32nd Ward Republican Committeeman and Vice Chairman at Large of the Cook County Republican Central Committee.
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