Q&A About Rosanna Pulido's Campaign

Some excellent analysis of the Rosanna Pulido congressional campaign troubles, by friend Chris Barkulis in his response to some questions he received from a reader of his blog. Pulido is running in the Illinois 5th Congressional District (the seat previously occupied by Rahm Emanuel). The special election is on April 7. You can the Q&A at RightNotWrong. While you're there, also read "GOP and AIP" by Chris. An excerpt: The American Independent Party and Republican Party may have many issues in common, however the AIP is to the GOP like the Socialist Party of the U.S.A is to the Democrat Party. It can be argued how many people from these fringe groups of the AIP and SPUSA have infiltrated the GOP and DNC, respectively, however that doesn't mean the Republican party needs to make nice with people posing as Republican's but really holding allegiance to the AIP. I believe there are people out there identifying and claiming to be Republican's but really associate themselves with and want the AIP ideals to take over the party.... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Cool Stuff...

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