BREAKING, 0600 GMT: They thought it was over on Wednesday, but a paramilitary mutiny in Bangladesh has flared up again, and it's spreading throughout the counrty. Excerpts from late news reports: Dhaka (AP/The Hindu): Police and witnesses say gunshots have rocked several border guard posts across Bangladesh, suggesting a spreading insurrection over demands for better pay despite the surrender of many mutineers in the capital. Police official Jalal Ahmed Chowdhury says mutineers fired shots at the commanding officer's residence at a border guard post in the southern town of Tekhnaf early Thursday, sending him fleeing. Dhaka (24/7 News Network): Even as the rebel soldiers who revolted against the officers at the BDR Headquarters in Dhaka yesterday, surrendered after being assured of amnesty by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the mutiny spread to other areas of the country. The rebel soldiers at BDR Headquarters laid down arms and surrendered before the Army yesterday. However, fresh gunbattle reported from Rajshahi, Feni and Chittagong, as rebel soldiers are still holding up in these cities. DHAKA (AFP) A deadly mutiny by members of Bangladesh's paramilitary border security force has spread to areas outside the capital Dhaka, police said Thursday. Police chiefs in six border districts told AFP that guards in their areas had joined a rebellion unfolding in the capital Dhaka since Wednesday. "They are firing indiscriminately," said one of the police chiefs, from the northeastern Moulivibazar district....Fifty Bangladeshi army officers were feared dead after thousands of border guards staged a mutiny over pay, sparking fierce gun battles and spreading panic through the capital, a minister said Thursday. Chicago News Bench Merchandise Chicago News Bench RSS Feed

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