It seems that Jesse Jackson, Junior is not a squeaky clean, naive, totally innocent cherub, as he tried to portray himself yesterday. Jackson, referred to by Blago as "Senate Candidate 5" in the federal complaint against the Governor, has a suspicious past. CBS 2 Chicago reports today: Former city worker Frank Coconate was Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr.'s Northwest Side point man when Jackson flirted with the idea of running against Mayor Daley. Now, Coconate says, he's not shocked by federal wiretaps in which Blagojevich discusses selling Barack Obama's Senate seat to someone described as a Jackson emissary. "He was always looking to deal," Coconate said. "If he couldn't get it outright, he'd buy it."... In short, Jackson's office was selling endorsements, Coconate said. He said the Jackson aide he dealt with is likely the one referred to in the Blagojevich case. Full Report...

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