Obama's Secret Documents

WHY won't the University of Illinois-Chicago (UIC) release stacks of Barack Obama's files? UIC says it wants to, but UIC "said the donor of the records that document the work of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge has not yet turned over ownership rights to the material," according to Pete Yost, Associated Press Writer, on August 19. Yost's article is a good summary of a situation that every American should be distressed about: Documents that have heavy reference to a current presidential candidate (Obama) are being withheld from public scrutiny by, among others, one of Obama's longtime pals, terrorist and convicted felon William Ayers. Ayers formed the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, "which was awarded nearly $50 million by a foundation to help reform Chicago schools," according to Yates, who also noted that Barack Obama was the first chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. There are other missing records, too, such as Obama's files from his brief time in the Illinois State Senate, as noted by friend Anne at Backyard Conservative. Another friend, John at Marathon Pundit, is on this story like liberals on government cheese. John's post today, "Release the Chicago Annenberg Challenge Files Now!' is a good one, and John does not intend to let this story die easily. John maintains on ongoing file of stories about William Ayers and his violent Weather Underground terrorist days, too. This, by the way, highlights one of Obama's many lies. He has claimed repeatedly that he and William Ayers were merely acquaintances, but there it is well known that Obama and Ayers are close friends. As the first chairman of Ayer's organization, it seems a stretch to say that they were merely "acquaintances." Larry Johnson wrote the following post in February about the Obama-Ayers relationship (emphasis added): Obama tries to dismiss the tie to Ayers by claiming he was only eight years old when Ayers was planting bombs in the United States. That is true. But when Barack subsequently met Ayers he knew about Ayers’ past and Ayers’ belief he had nothing to apologize for. So here we have a guy who dreams of running for president and he does not understand the implications of letting an unrepentant terrorist raise money for him? What is it about terrorism that a brilliant constitutional law professor does not understand? FULL ARTICLE at NoQuarter... According to the Yost article, UIC says that "the donor of the records that document the work of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge has not yet turned over ownership rights to the material." This begs questions: Why is "the donor" holding back? What is in the records? While the records are still in the shadows, how might "the donor" - or anybody else with access to the documents - be editing crucial information? RELATED: Marathon Pundit: Obama's Bill Ayers problem American Thinker Blog: Obama-Ayers records blocked at U of I Chicago Obama Tries to Hide Ayers Tie : NO QUARTER Ayers And Obama: What Is Their Relationship? Huffington Post Barack Obama pal is an enemy, too - NY Daily News ‘Terrorist’ link puts Barack Obama under fire - Times Online American Thinker: Obama and the Woods Fund of Chicago