Cook County Federal Takeover?

Perhaps. Perhaps soon, according to some reports. Hmmm. Fagus once wrote, "When I have my first opportunity to sit down with Todd Stroger I will again tell him that the number one priority of 49th Ward from county government is to have a health clinic in the 49th Ward. It is one thing that the county can deliver." (11/30/2006, on Fagus's own blog.) That conversation never happened. Anybody who lives in Cook County with their eyes open knows that the Cook County guvment couldn't deliver a pizza in any of the county's car pool vehicles. Hell, the county by its own admission doesn't even know how many cars it has or who is driving them. Fagus is busy these days campaigning for fellow Cook County Machine Democrat Barack Obama. RELATED: » Illinois » The Bench » David Fagus: Shadow Man David Fagus, 49th Ward Democrat Committeeman The Coming US Health Care Nightmare 24/7 North of Howard Watchers: Stroger Supporters... Dave Fagus sat in that stuffy room at the Allegro Hotel and voted yea for Todd Stroger. Now why is that? Democratic Party - 49th Ward: Todd Stroger Turns It On!