Gosh Darn You, Mayor Daley

God bless the rank and file officers of the Chicago Police Department. Gosh darn Mayor Richard Daley, the ACLU and the Chicago City Council. They are losing the battle against the criminals. Their own policies have ensured this. Many of us saw it coming years ago. Daley & Company still don't understand this. Lighter sentences, wimpier police tactics, coddling of lousy parents, and on and on and on for decades have produced the human trash that brandished guns and shot four people downtown after Taste of Chicago. But Daley, and idiots like Father Pfleger, still have their heads up each other's asses, believing that tougher handgun laws will somehow magically make gang members fully civilized persons. The city lost the gun battle years ago, in spite of a tough anti-handgun ban. Any sane person knew this would happen: Outlaw the guns, and only the bad guys will have them. The authoritarian Mayor Daley maintains his defiant stance against legal handgun ownership, in spite of the recent ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court. How many more years of gangs shooting each other and innocent people, how many more years of gun-toting thugs robbing and killing innocent people must we take before Daley - whose own bodyguards carry pistols - understands that no matter how "tough" his unconstitutional anti-handgun laws are, the bad guys will still have them. Plenty of them. Yesterday, I criticized CPD Superintendent Weis for his ridiculous statements in the wake of four people being shot (one died) after Taste of Chicago let out on Thursday nigth (see "Four More Daley Failures"). The Sun-Times reported on July 4 that Weis said police would be out "in greater numbers" for Friday night's Navy Pier fireworks show "after four people were shot last night as crowds streamed out of the Grant Park fireworks and Taste of Chicago." More police downtown for Taste? Arithmetic and the laws of phyics dictate that some officers would be taken from other districts to increase coverage of the downtown area. Did that concern Weis? Did it concern Daley? Doubtful. (In fairness, Weis must kow-tow to Emperor Daley.) But it concerned a lot of police officers. Here is the opinion of one: Losing the Streets ("Second City Cop" blog) Can you see it J-Fed? Can you feel it?Are you finally realizing what you're here for? You are a well-paid target. And the only person carrying the weapon that will bring you down is the mayor..... Everything we've seen and heard suggests we were short at least 300 cops last night. WGN actually had footage of the brawl in front of Buckingham Fountain. Certainly a proud moment in the history of the Taste of Chicago and in the Daley Administration. The question that ought to be discussed at length is whose head is going to be on the chopping block for this? Because Daley can't blame anyone except the management, and every single one of them is someone he told J-Fed to put there. And could any of the media finally pick up on the fact that we are shorthanded? It doesn't get much more obvious. Stop sniffing Daley's ass long enough to do a head count. FULL POST at Second City Cop...