Joe lives in a big house on Fargo, about two blocks from his ward office. Yet, he often drives his car to work. Nice carbon footprint.
How much energy must it take to heat the big house in winter? Nice carbon footprint. Are there solar panels anywhere in sight? Nope.
The photo here shows Joe's trash, taken yesterday evening. Click for larger image and notice the cardboard. Does it look ready for recycling to you? Notice the plastic orange Home Depot bucket. Wow...Home Depot.
We've got several issues here.
(1) Plastic buckets are made from petroleum ("oil"), the use of which currently increases our dependence on foreign oil, further enriches the Big Oil companies, leaves a large carbon footprint, and is not bio-degradable.
(2) Is that paint or caulking in the bucket? I don't know, but again, petroleum is involved. Furthermore, how dare he live in a house with paint? Doesn't he know that it would be greener to live in a mud hut somewhere?
(3) Home Depot?!? Say, that's a Big Box store! My God, Mister Anti-Big-Box shops at Home Depot?!? He should be run out of town. Why couldn't he have purchased a locally hand made wooden bucket from a locally owned store or artisan in Rogers Park?
Joe Moore. What a piece of work.