NOT LITERALLY, BUT THE 46TH WARD'S QUEEN OF MEAN IS GASPING HER LAST POLITICAL BREATH. (NOTE TO 49TH WARD ALDERMAN JOE MOORE: YOU'RE NEXT.) The UPTOWN UPDATE writing team was there, and reports that Alderman Helen Shiller (Democrat) was virtually shut out by constituents and panel members in a 450-person community meeting last night. (Story here...) The meeting was held at Truman College in Uptown to address neighborhood violence. Residents of Shiller's 46th Ward in the Uptown neighborhood were especially worked up about the daylight gun fight on July 15 near the corner of Wilson and Malden. (More on that here...) Hosting the meeting were State Representative Greg Harris and State Senator Heather Steans, Christie Hahn from Uptown Business and several Chicago Police Department officials. Attendees tell The Bench that Shiller looked disheveled and seemed disoriented. According to Uptown Update, "Alderman Shiller sat in the front row with her back to the audience and did not say ONE word to those in attendance." UU notes, too, that the 47th and 48th Wards were represented on the panel of speakers," but not one peep" came from Shiller, who sat with the rest of the audience. Most of those in attendance feel that Shiller shares blame with CPD for "losing control of the neighborhood." Shiller must be still reeling from the experience. Her own website merely acknowledges that the meeting took place, but give no clue whatsoever as to what happened there last night. Meanwhile, as this very moment, the Wilson Yard Litigation Meeting is getting under way. Will Shiller be there? If so, will she speak? If so, will she be shouted down? In any event, will she tell us what happened tonight on her web site tomorrow? RELATED: Chi-Town Daily News Covers Wednesday's Meeting Ald. Shiller Sounds Off On Vehicle Booting, Not Crime Joe Moore in the Hot Seat