
Sadistic Alleyways a Bit Too Groovy

Some sick, twisted sadist at Chicago's Streets and Sanitation, who has apparently never ridden a bicycle, designed some of the newer alleys in Rogers Park. They were recently repaved in a torturous manner that can only be called cruel.

The alleys run north-south just east of N. Sheridan Road, from Albion north to Greenleaf. They are frequented by many bicycle riders, especially in warm weather when they provide safer access to beach front than does busy Sheridan.

The problem is two-fold: Deep grooves run up the middle of the alley, and occasionally cut across it at strange angles. These grooves are just wide enough that a bike rider could be in serious trouble if their tires go into them. Damage to the wheel, injury to the cyclist. Also, the new and more painful speed bumps, apparently designed by somebody who resents motorists and cyclists alike. The older, more gradual bumps were rough enough, but these could prove dangerous if hit too hard by a moving bike.

The grooves are obviously for drainage. But in the previous eight or nine years, I've never once seen these alleys flood.

Also see: Response to Not-So Groovy Alley Story