Loyola Park Wall Being Sandblasted

This morning, Streets & Sanitation had two men cleaning the wall. One man was chipping away while the other was blasting with high pressure air. He told me there was actually no sand, but "a little bit of baking soda" in the air stream.

Last year, Rogers Park residents who shelled out more than $30 each to paint small stretches of a wall along the beach pathway at Loyola Park were screwed. The wall was improperly "prepped."

It was merely whitewashed, leaving several layers of old paint from previous years. The result was immediate peeling with days of the "prepping" and months of the artists' work looking like hell.

"This is great, glad to see you guys doing this," I said to the man chipping off the old paint.

"Yah," he replied, "there was some guy up here who made a big beef about cleaning it."

Now, who could that be, hmmmm?

Artists Up Against the Wall
Artists Screwed at the Wall Festival, Rogers Park
I Hate to Say I Told You So...