Schakking Up With Jan and Joe

The Bench has been telling you this for, uhm, about a year now. What wicked webs they weave. John at Marathon Pundit writes: Schakowsky maneuvering for Obama's Senate seat I have the misfortune of having one of the most liberal members of Congress, Jan Schakowsky of Evanston, representing me (sort of) in Washington. She's one of the loons who wants to reinstate the absurdly named Fairness Doctrine, which would effectively shut down talk radio--and individuals like Rush Limbaugh--who criticize her type. Yes, and here in the 49th Ward of Chicago we have the misfortune of having one of the goofiest and least effective aldermen, who has a long and cozy relationship with Schakowsky. Schakowsky's coveting of Obama's Senate seat been street talk in Rogers Park about a year. And guess what: 49th Ward Alderman Joe Moore wants Schakowsky's Congressional seat. John continues: Her husband, Robert Creamer, spent five months in federal prison two years ago after pleading guilty to kiting checks while he was the executive director of the goody-goody consumer advocacy group, the Illinois Public Action Council. Although she was not accused of any wrongdoing, Schakowsky served on the organization's board of directors was while hubby was acting the official kite runner. Alderman Moore was - still is - good friends with felon Creamer. Indeed, the Moore Schakowsky Axis is one of the most intriguing political relationships out there. Schakowsky, a very powerful member of Congress, has given disproportionate amounts of financial, moral and consulting support to Moore, a little alderman. Both are members of the DNC. Moore is rumored by people in the know to have engaged in check kiting with Creamer. There is a lot of stink around most of the characters who cling to both Schakowsky and Moore. Creamer was a guest at the recent victory party of Heather Steans, where she was surrounded by Todd Stroger sycophant David Fagus, and Joe Moore toadie Jim Ginderske and Jim's very own toadie Tom Westgard. What a crew. READ THE FULL POST at Marathon Pundit...