Asswhuppin' Update

Pabulum Ad Nauseam put this list out last year. We notice that Chicago Alderman Joe Moore (49th Ward) made the list. The Bench thinks it is safe to call Pabulum Ad Nauseam a left-leaning blog - I mean, nine out of the 10 people on the Asswhuppin' List are big conservatives. So isn't it interesting that "progressive liberal" Joe Moore made the list? Hmmm? Note to Pabulum Ad Nauseam: Joe is on our 2008 list, too. 10 People In Need Of An Asswhuppin' In 2007 10 "The Epicurean" Ald Joe Moore 9 "Spin-free Spinner "Tony Snow" 8 "Panderin'" John McCain 7 "Screamin' Mimi" Michelle Malkin 6 "Falafel" Bill O Reilly 5 "Oxy" Rush Limbaugh 4 "Was For It Before I Was Against It" Mitt Romney 3 "Queen of Darkness" Ann Coulter 2 "Dead-Eye" Dick Cheney 1 "Dear Leader" GWB