Hussein, Rodham: No Middle Ground

Ouch! Readers beat up me for accurately using Hillary Clinton's full name as she uses it: "Hillary Rodham Clinton.

It all started when Idiot Dave wrote in to say that her middle name was not Rodham. That was in response to a post I wrote about Obama's paranoid fear of people using his real middle name, "Hussein."

Amazingly, people wrote in to say that her middle name is Diane, and Rodham is her maiden name. They quoted the unreliable Wikipedia. They apparently paid no attention to Hillary's own web site, Hillary's own press releases, and reality itself. But that's a Liberal fer ya (Big "L); Wikipedia and feelings are more important than fact. And the simple fact is, to repeat, that Hillary Rodham Clinton uses "Rodham" as her middle name. Ergo, it is her middle name. Period.

Some of the goofier comments, below. (The scariest part: These people are allowed to vote.)

Eliza said...
It's no just that his name is Middle-Eastern, obviously. It's HUSSEIN. Just like a certain dictator. That's why it's fear-mongering.

And apparently, Eliza, Obama is more afraid of it than anybody else is.

Victor said...
Hey asshole, Hillary's middle name is Diane; Rodham is her maiden name.

Victor, you're gonna take the word of a third party (the White House) over Hillary's own web site??? Take Hillary's own word, from her own website:

Eliza said...
It's no just that his name is Middle-Eastern, obviously. It's HUSSEIN. Just like a certain dictator. That's why it's fear-mongering.

And how many candidates would be stupid enough to NOT change their middle name if it was Hitler? But are you saying that if there was an unfriendly dictator somewhere whose middle name was Smith it would be fear mongering to use her middle name?

RPKelly said...
Oh, Tom. Thanks for making me laugh out loud. Do you seriously not know that Rodham is Hillary Clinton's maiden name? (Her middle name is Diane.) Ask any woman, and she'll tell you that a maiden name and a middle name are not the same thing at all.

Again with the Wikipedia over Hillary's own web site. Incredible. Unbelievable. Ask any woman, RPKelly, and she'll tell you that she would either leave or kill her husband for cheating on her. Hillary is no ordinary woman, no sir. But more to the point, any person can choose any name they want, and Hillary obviously chooses "Rodham" as her middle name. Doesn't matter what she was born as, it
matters what she is now. And she is now Hillary Rodham Clinton.

A Bitter Slut said...
Maybe instead of trashing Dave you could have taken his advice and researched what a middle name really is. A second given name, so her middle name is Diane and her maiden name is Rodham actually a surname, not a given name. I'm sick of you calling everybody idiots when you don't even know what you are talking about.Anyway, you'll come back with some bullshit about how a surname can be used as a middle name, so before we have to hear anymore crap from you, yeah in the case that's its a given name after the first name and not the surname of the parents on the birth certificate, so shut your trap because a given name and a surname are two different things. And just keep your mouth shut about your interpretation of a middle name because you are WRONG about everything anyway.

Such bitter bile. But you are wrong. Again (why do Liberals need repetition?) and why are they so bitter? See Hillary's own web site at I believe she knows her own middle name.

dave said...
Nope... wrong again. Her name is Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton.Diane is her middle name. Rodham is her original last name that she kept when she married Bill Clinton.But you are right. I am an idiot. And am not well-informed or "edumacated."


RPKelly is still moron...
Regardless of your feelings on the matter, "Rodham" is clearly not being used as a middle name by Mrs. Clinton or her campaign. Do you see John Sidney McCain, Mike Dale Huckabee, or Ron Earnest Paul plastered on any of those candidates' websites? Um, no. Because people don't use their middle names like that, whether or not their middle name is Hussein.

Good Lord, RPKelly, are you brain damaged? LOOK AT HILLARY'S OWN WEB SITE, YOU PITIFUL MORON!!!


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