The News-Star is a little neighborhood newspaper with great big job to do: Cover Chicago at the neighborhood level in a way the Chicago Tribune and Sun-Times are not able or willing to do. Many, many stories are covered every week by the News-Star and its sister publications under the umbrella of The Chicago Journal. The News-Star and the sister papers get down into the neighborhoods, covering local store openings, neighborhood politics, school events and neighbors in a way that the "big" media just do not do. To lose the Chicago Journal's family of mighty little newspapers, or for the Chicago Journal to lose its nerve, would be a tragedy for Chicago. But on March 6, 2008 you can witness an attempt by a bunch of self-appointed neighborhood "leaders" to bully the new publisher of the Chicago Journal papers. These "leaders" - Brian White, DevCorp, the West Ridge Chamber of Commerce and others - would prefer that the Chicago Journal papers be cheerleaders for their socialist programs. They would prefer that the Chicago Journal cave in to their veiled demands to be just another sympathetic mouthpiece for aldermen, self-appointed "leaders" and others. Don't let them get away with it. Defend the News-Star and show your support for a free press, a press free from the bullies who pretend to be your "leaders": Thursday, March 6, 2008 6:45 pm – 8:45 pm Rogers Park Chicago Public Library, 2nd floor Community Room 6907 N. Clark Street, Chicago (312) 744-0156 RELATED: THE NEWS-STAR IS UNDER ATTACK

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