This bizarre video was shot on Friday, Feb. 22, 2008 in the 49th Aldermanic Ward of Chicago. Joe Moore has been the alderman here for over 16 years. During that time, he has watched the condo conversions pour in - and assisted in the process. Yet, in this video, he panders to a small crowd of people by promising them, in essence and allusion, government controlled housing on a significant scale and speaking against the very condos that he stood by and allowed to happen for nearly a decade. In this video, it is stated that there are many studio apartments in Moore's ward that house five and six people. That's a violation of city codes (health and fire), and The Bench demands that Alderman Moore create a task force to look into those studios, and fine or arrest the tenants and/or landlords as the law requires. In this video, you will see "Rev." Marilyn Pagan Banks (her real name) show us how the Religious Left works. (Bloggers: To embed this video, click on "Menu" then "View Widgets".)

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