48 Reasons to Oppose Heather Steans

Heather Steans is backed by Establishment Politicians, by Machine Politicos and she wants to "represent" the Seventh District in the Illinois State Senate. God help us. Steans will be more of the same old Blagojevich-style special interest messiness. She says she wants "change," but she's backed by the same old hinky political wonks. The Friends of Heather Steans Steering Committee is made up of 48 of those wonks:

1. Senator Carol Ronen, Chair
2. Cindi Anderson
3. Alex Armour
4. George Atkins
5. Michael Bauer
6. Margaret Blackshere
7. Karen Boehning
8. Amy Brennan
9. Jorge Cabrera
10. Kelly Cassidy
11. Cecelia Comito
12. Lynda DeLaforgue
13. Randall & Sally Doubet-King
14. Joyce Dugan
15. Wayne Fraizer
16. Maricela Garcia
17. Rick Garcia
18. Ireta Gasner
19. Jim Ginderske
20. Adam Gross
21. Greg Harris
22. Bill Helm
23. Aida Kulasic
24. Ronna Hoffberg
25. Thom & Lisa Hoffman
26. Kate Hogan
27. Ann Kalayil
28. Howard Learner
29. Brandon Lee
30. Suellen Long
31. Sheli Lulkin
32. Jack Markowski
33. Rob McCloskey
34. Brandon Neese
35. Harry Osterman
36. Befekadu Retta
37. Jamiko Rose
38. Pat Sharkey
39. Leo Smith
40. Mary Ann Smith
41. Nan Sullivan
42. Joe Teller
43. Sean Tenner
44. Michael Volini
45. Jennifer Walling
46. Lynn Walker
47. Maria Whelan
48. Beth White

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