I told you so. The sovereignty of the United States may soon be replaced by a European Union-like system, and former Mexican President Fox admitted it recently on Larry King's show. I've been ranting about it for a while now, albeit only now and then. It's all about the North American Union, an attempt by a cabal of Mexican, Canadian and U.S. officials and bureaucrats to blend the three nations into one economic-political unit. Like the European Union, where no member country has true sovereignty any more. This is not nutjob conspiracty theory. Former President of Mexico Vincente Fox has admited that he and President Bush are indeed planning the political destruction of this nation, Mexico and Canada. Los Angeles, CA (Oct. 10, 2007) -- Speaking on the Larry King show, former Mexican President Vicente Fox confirmed every assertion made by Jerome Corsi in his new book, NY Times bestseller "The Late Great U.S.A: The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada" (WND Books, ISBNs 0-9790451-4-2, $25.95, July 2007). Not only did Fox admit that he and George W. Bush have "agreed" to create a common currency, the Amero, he contended that a North American Union is "inevitable" That’s something that Jerry Corsi takes issue with while applauding Fox’s openness on national television. FULL REPORT... MORE: Vicente Fox confirms long-term plan worked out with President Bush Vincente Fox Admits Plans to Form A North American Union

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