Stroger Getting It Done! (Maybe Not)

I encountered Cook County Board President and Heir to the Throne Todd Stroger last Friday. It was a brush with mediocrity. I only remember it because blogopal John sent this link today, to a story at CBS2 (below) about the County Board delaying Todd's latest wet dream of financial foolery. As I walked toward State Street, I thought fleetingly about ducking into an alley to throw up. The memory sickens me anew. I was in the County offices today at 11:45 a.m. and the Commissioners were still arguing about the fate of Stroger's attempt to screw you and me. County workers walking past through the halls shook their heads in disgust. Sadly, Todd Stroger has allies who want to screw us, too, but the more rational faction won out - for now. While you're at it, read this from John at Marathon Pundit: And now is a good time to revisit my thoughts from Saturday night. Last fall it looked like Republican candidate for Cook County Board President Tony Peraica would achieve the impossible and put that office into Republican hands for the first time in almost forty years. But as I blogged that evening, a big push by state Democrats, including Barack Obama and Dick Durbin, gave Todd Stroger the momentum to prevail in November.... (CBS) CHICAGO - The Cook County Board has delayed a vote to increase the county sales tax, which, if enacted, would become the highest in the country.A group of Cook County Commissioners tried Monday to raise the sales tax by two full percentage points, but could not find enough votes.As CBS 2 Political Editor Mike Flannery reports, the debate over the $1 billion-a-year sales tax increase lasted all day long, finally erupting into angry language. FULL STORY...

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