Where is Obama on Cook County Tax Hike???

A brilliant question, indeed, and posed by friend and blogging giant John Ruberry at Marathon Pundit, himself an Illinoisan. John urges Mr. Obama: "Hey Obama! Speak out on proposal to impose nation's highest sales tax in your hometown." This, of course, is about Cook County President Todd Stroger's recent proposal to virtually TRIPLE the county's share of sales taxes, which - if approved - would put sales tax in the City of Chicago at 11 per cent. That's double digit, folks. It should be remembered that Democrat Barack Obama heartily endorsed Democrat Todd Stroger in the last county election. (And for you in Chicago's 49th Ward, when will Democrat Alderman Joe Moore and Democrat Committeeman David Fagus speak out against Stroger's proposed regressive tax hike? They both heartily endorsed Stroger, too.) John continues: Besides his well-documented involvement with indicted political insider Tony Rezko, Illinois' junior senator has made a couple of endorsements that counter his claim that he is above politics-as-usual. The first was his surprising backing of political unknown Alexi Giannoulias in the Democratic primary for state treasurer last year. Obama made himself the kingmaker in the contest, the state party endorsed candidate was defeated by Barack's novice. Read the full post here...