Shameless: Fagus and Moore

While the Glenwood Arts Festival was in full swing, an event to promote the local business community, some locally important Democrats were shamelessly engaged in self-promotion just a few blocks away. Hundreds of folks who might otherwise have been mingling with more productive members of the community were instead lined up for free food and handouts from the Moore and Fagus mini-machine.

49th Ward Democratic Committeeman David Fagus will be up for re-election soon, so it's not too soon to start buying votes by handing out free crap and free food to the local Party Faithful. Gotta keep 'em faithful, after all, and after three generations of hand outs the crowd at Loyola Park was just getting what they've become accustomed to - and expect to get. Fagus, a big Todd Stroger fan, is perhaps a bit worried that his campaign could be as hard-fought at Moore's recent re-election struggle was. Moore squeaked by; Fagus might not.

Alderman Joe Moore (49th Ward) is only too happy to share his "Back to School" mass-bribery party in the park with fat cat and political ally Fagus. Moore's annual event is nothing more than a feel-good, free-food affair designed to satisfy the useful idiot and minor apparatchiks who do so much of his footwork.

But what is especially disgusting
is the shameless way in which Moore and Fagus happily drew people - and attention - away from the Glenwood Arts Fest. They could have had the event next weekend, knowing months in advance when the Glenwood Arts Fest would be. To add insult to injury, a large tree branch that went down five days ago still blocks a bike path (photo, right), just yards away from the event held by Moore, a man who cares not a whit for the condition of Loyola Park.

But no, gotta buy
those votes as soon they can, private business interests be damned. Besides, Moore and Fagus are not stupid. They know that the crowd lining up for free crap in the park are their crowd, not the damned yuppies and recently-bathed crowd over on Glenwood this weekend. Merchants? Hell no! Moore and Fagus would rather pander to the Link Card crowd. It's a skill they've honed to perfection.

David Orr
had a tent at the event, too. But seriously: Who cares?

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