Question for Katy Hogan

Dear Katy: Just a question for you, Katy. I'm hearing - from highly reliable sources, I might add - that a certain restaurant establishment in Rogers Park was cited for a liquor license violation in mid-August. Katy, help me out here: Do you know which restaurant that might be? Apparently, said unnamed restaurant was visited by some City inspectors who have not been the ones to usually inspect said unnamed restaurant. City inspectors, of late, are being rotated around the City of Chicago. Maybe to prevent bribery and things like that, I don't know. In any case, said unnamed restaurant was in violation - allegedly - of its liquor license. Seems the establishment's license did not include their patio. How do you like that? I'm sure this makes your blood boil, Katy, and ethical businessgal like you, and you'll let me and all of RPB's readers know the allegedly offending business establishment's name. Such a violation would normally get a liquor license jerked or suspended, plus a big, fat fine. Why am I asking you about this, Katy? Well, heck, you know everything and everybody, don't you? Say, if you don't know, maybe your business partner Michael James knows. Ask him for me, would you? He hasn't gotten back to me since I asked him several days ago. Thanks, and kind regards. P.S. - This story is developing.

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