Multicultural Madness: Not All Cultures Are Equal

Here's one for all of you multi-culti cultists out there: A teenage girl was stoned to death for falling in love with a boy of a different religion. I dare you: Write to me and explain how that culture is equal to ours in the West. Please. Explain it to me. The following are accounts of the "honor killing" of a 17 year old girl. I tried to find the video, but they are in a format that my American system does not like - which may be all for the better. So far, the American System doesn't like this kind of behavior. The multiculturalists, however, are working to change that. They said she had shamed herself and her family when she failed to return home one night. Some reports suggested she had converted to Islam to be closer to her boyfriend. Miss Aswad had taken shelter in the house of a Yezidi tribal leader in Bashika, a predominantly Kurdish town near the northern capital, Mosul. A large crowd watched as eight or nine men stormed the house and dragged Miss Aswad into the street. There they hurled stones at her for half an hour until she was dead. FULL ARTICLE... (Hat tip to Backyard Conservative)


In a short mobile video clip which appears to have been taken by locals at seen [sic] of the murder, the girl is seen being ambushed on her way home by a group of up to 1,000 men who were waiting for her to return; the men killed her in the most brutal way possible, by throwing large stones on her head. The following clips show that while she is alive and crying for help she is taunted and kicked in her stomach until someone finishes her off by throwing a large stone on her face. FULL STORY...


  1. Yes, this mass hysteria or mob mentality murder is horrific (the QuickTime Viewer shows the clips in high resolution!). There is no question that this represents a backward element in Iraqi culture.

    However, is stoning that rare? The video clips I saw remind me that it wasn't too long ago that for many in our own culture a gleeful way to pass the time was to gather at the town square to watch an angry mob with a rope tie up, stone to death, and/or lynch Blacks. There were no cell phone cameras back then, but early box camera photos tell us of our nation's own sad history.

    In both America and Iraq these inhumane behaviors don't and can't represent the totality of a culture.

    As for multiculturalism, my understanding of the concept is that it is mostly about acknowledging cultural differences and respecting them. I have not heard anyone use multiculturalism to defend inhumane behaviors which translate into abuse, torture, or murder - whether in isolated instances or widespread and socially sanctioned as in this Iraqi case.

  2. I'll make you an even swap: I'll "explain how that culture is equal to ours" if you do the same for the people right here, all over the United States, who bomb health clinics and murder doctors, because their God wants them to.


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