Methane Madness and the Idiocy of Experts

For those of you who still need more evidence of just how insane the Church of Global Warming can be, there is this: Rice is a major producer of greenhouse gas. That's right, methane comes from rice paddies. Now, every school kid knows that methane is abundant in swampy areas, too. All swampy areas, with or without rice. Cows emit methane, so do I, so do you, so does the neighbor's dog. It's everywhere, produced by anything that is digesting something or is in the process of rotting. But the "experts" - you know, the "scientists" - are telling us that "Methane emissions are unique to rice." Wrong. Very wrong. For a good laugh read the following.

Rice paddies a major source global warming gas

"There is no other crop that is emitting such a large amount of greenhouse gases," said Reiner Wassmann, a climate change specialist at the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines. "Methane emissions are unique to rice," he said. "If Asian countries are exploring possibilities to reduce greenhouse gas, they have to look at rice production. I'm not saying it's the biggest source, but in Asia it's a source that cannot be neglected."

That Wassman idiot needs to go back to school. He also needs to fasten his seat belt, because if he hears about the following he's going to get intellectual whiplash:

Recent warming in Siberia is liberating carbon that had been locked in the permafrost for millennia. Consequently, Siberian lakes are making a surprisingly large contribution to atmospheric methane, a planet-warming greenhouse gas, according to a new analysis of the methane bubbling from those lakes.

Previous studies had suggested that most northern Siberian lakes sit atop permafrost containing rich soil. Methane-making microbes in the oxygen-poor lake-bottom sediments render the lakes major methane sources, says Katey M. Walter, an ecologist at the University of Alaska in Fairbanks. FULL ARTICLE...

Some of you run around repeating the crap these fools spout. You should be embarrassed.


FRIED RICE CAUSES GLOBAL WARMING - The United Nations is holding the part of this year’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Bangkok, Thailand. In between lap dances, delegates are attempting hash out a climate change document that is politically acceptable to all parties. Some of the topics under discussion are “language regarding the Kyoto protocol . . , the true costs of cutting emissions and how they will be borne, and the role of nuclear power.”


When scientists conceive new concepts: They apply for grants to do research on their theories. Grants, the life blood of scientific research, are often difficult to get. Once obtained the scientist is obligated to publish and produce positive results. Scientists are loath to jeopardize their chances of securing future grants by compromising their or their institutions reputation. No scientist will get up and say he was wrong and lose his grant: and in so doing lose face. He will defend his theory until he dies. The sad thing is that his theories if they are wrong do not die with him but goes on to mislead other generation. Sometimes the scientist in defending his theory is really defending his grant: it's a thin line. FULL ARTICLE at

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