Don Gordon Not Talking

Don Gordon and his team, busily engaged in a legal challenge to Joe Moore over the April 17 aldermanic election, is being tightlipped and secretive. They were pretty willing to dole out information during the election, but are now keeping information in the bag. On Tuesday, May 15 the legal teams for Gordon and Moore got together downtown. As RPB reported then, Moore was moving for a summary judgement in an attempt to bring the process to quick - and favorable - ending. (See "Breaking News: Joe Moore Moves for Summary Judgement"). Don Gordon, to RPB's knowledge, has made no announcement in the four full days since Tuesday. RPB requested information via email on Tuesday afternoon. On Thursday Don Gordon replied, "I met with Michael and the other plaintiffs last night. We're finalizing the document that summarizes Tuesday's hearing and should have that available to you shortly." We cannot be sure what Mr. Gordon meant by "shortly," but in our opinion it is less than four days. Why the reluctance to communicate, Mr. Gordon?

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