Hey Business Community: Welcome to Morse Avenue

There is a wonderful project happening on Morse Avenue in Rogers Park, Chicago. Construction has begun, and on Thursday the owners put up some nice signs on the front door, an improvement over the previous spray-painted address numbers. Less than 36 hours later, one of our many village idiots decided that it would be too much work to piss on a fire hydrant, so he scrawled some graffiti on a sign instead. Welcome to Morse Avenue, Mr. and Ms. Business Owner. Welcome to Rogers Park. Welcome to the Land of Moore.


  1. Dang, you scooped tomorrows Hell Hole story.

    FYI: If you haven't been asked, Gordon could use any illegal electioneering photos from Tuesday ASAP.

  2. the graffiti was gone today fyi

  3. Thanks for the update Jocelyn. I'm sure the graffiti perp had a pang of guilt and went back to remove it with solvent and a rag. ;-))


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