Dershowitz Cracks Open the Real Jimmy Carter

Alan Dershowitz, a former Carter supporter, shows us just how nutty the real Jimmy Carter is. Ties to His Highness Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan al-Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates and the LaRouchies, it's all a very chunky peanut butter indeed. Lots of nuts. Much to chew on. Get the full set of links over at Marathon Pundit: Dershowitz exposes the real Jimmy Carter...

1 comment:

  1. LaRouche has a knack for insinuating himself into places he really doesn't belong. However his little world may be about to collapse. The owner of the printing company committed suicide after directing the accountant to pay a large overdue IRS tax bill. That death has caused a small storm in the Leesburg contingent. No one is quite sure what will happen next. The FACTNet site has a Social Organizations/Larouche message board that has been lit up for the past 2 weeks.

    If Larouche goes down in flames I wonder who will get singed along the way.


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