Snarky 49th Ward

For readers of this blog who may not have seen it, fellow blogger Kheris wrote a great bit of local insight the other day. Here's an excerpt. I recommend reading the entire post. "The furor over Jim [Ginderske's] appt to the zoning committee has not quite died down yet. Margo Hackett gives us the 411 on JG's and JoMo's involvement in the stealth condo conversion of a building JG once lived in. JG pipes up to knock the wankers, and is followed by Pamela who knocks the grant proposal. I suspect she skipped class the day the teach explained that you won't ever win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket. The snark continues ever on." Read the whole thing... The more I live here, the more Rogers Park seems like a really, really small town. (Hat tip to Fargo Observer.)

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering who was actually on Joe Moore's 49th Ward Zoning and Land Use Advisory Committee. A little searching on the inter-nets (what will they think of next) yields claims (mostly by Joe Moore) that it is a wonderful committee, and that it demonstrates what a great and democratic thinker Joe is, and that Jay Johnson was a buddy of Joe's who got pulled off the committee it when he became a political liability to Joe (I think some kids died?), and that Jim Ginderski wanted to take Jay Johnson's place as Joe's new best friend, but beyond that, I can't find anything about the ZAULAC - no meeting minutes, no past or current member list, no discussion of what proposed projects have been discussed in the meetings, no idea of what rules are followed, how often Joe has or has not followed their lead, when they do or do not meet - in fact, I can't find anything about what the committee really is or actually does. It seems to be murky government transparancy at best. Not being a computer wizard, as you obviously are), can you help me out Rogers Park Bench? Seems there's a lot of hollering about something nobody knows much about.



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