Alex Armour: Slacker?

Alex Armour works for Joe Moore. Nobody outside of the Moore clan really knows what kind of black work Alex does, but one thing is probable: He's supposed to be an internet whiz kid, an uberblogger who worked for Congressgal Jan Schakowsky.

I don't know what he's being paid, but it's too much. His performance has seemed lackluster to date.

To wit: Today's weird email blast to approximately 4,000 residents of the 49th Ward in Chicago. From all indications, at most one (1) blogger was included in that blast. All of the other bloggers seem to have become aware of the email via that blogger's web site.

Now, if you were in Alex's size nine shoes, wouldn't you have put together a list of all known local bloggers for inclusion in all email blasts? Of course you would. So why didn't Alex?

Alex Armour was political advisor to Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (and paid $3,200 per month for his advice to her campaign). Armour lives in Highland Park. Shown at right with pal Mayor Daley (photo credit unknown). Mr. Armour is in tight with The Machine. But so is Alderman Moore.

Perhaps his heart isn't really in it. After all, he was on top of the world with the congressional race, and then he gets a crappy assignment to some dopey alderman.

Imagine that phone call between Alex Armour and Puppet Master Howard Dean:

Ring, ring, ring.

AA: Speak to me.
HD: This is Doctor Howard Dean. We need you to help Joe Moore get re-elected.
AA: The alderman? Are you shitting me?
HD: Yeah, I'm shitting you like a goose shits shit, Armour. I'm shitting you right into the shitty 49th Ward of Chicago, you putz. You got any complaints, Armour?
AA: Well...
HD: You ever wanna eat lunch in Washington again you'll do this for us. You did good by Schakowsky, yes you did. Work your magic for Joe Moore.
AA: An alderman? But Dr. Dean, I, I...
HD: Thanks, pal. Good luck. Do a good job on this one and we'll get you a nice gubernatorial race somewhere. Yeeeeaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

So here he is, farmed out to a triple-A farm team after working in the Big Leagues briefly. What a downer. What a buzz kill. What a non-starter in the motivation department. Gad.

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